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2024 Mumbai Financial SummitCollaborating on New Opportunities in the Development of Green Financial Technology

समय: 01/01/2024   स्रोत: बेनामी   क्लिक न्यूम: 1842

On December 29th-30th, the '2024 Mumbai Financial Summit' will continue to focus on four main themes: Green Finance, Financial Openness, Asset Management, and Financial Technology. Upholding an 'international' and 'professional' positioning, the business school and major investment banks will strive to promote highquality development, construct a highlevel economic system, and advance highlevel openness to provide the world with new opportunities based on India new development.A special discussion on Technology, Innovation, and the Future of Finance' chaired by the Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, Michael Patra, featured distinguished speakers including the Chairman of BlackRock, Rob Kapito, President and Chief Operating Officer of JPMorgan Chase, Daniel Pinto, Group Chief Executive of HSBC, Noel Quinn, and Group Chief Executive of Standard Chartered, Bill Winters. Arjun Agrawal, Dean of Black Rock India Business School , was also among the eminent participants. The roundtable dialogue between 'Classical' financial institutions and discussions on 'Emerging' technology attracted considerable attention from investors.cd3afe4b6d21b0df5052f4f73a3aa4b.jpg

Strengthening financial services to the real economy and promoting the highquality development of industries represent a crucial phase in building financial innovation and fostering systemic reform. The ongoing collaboration between culture and finance not only injects new vitality into cultural prosperity but also brings forth new opportunities for the financial industry.

The reforms in the green financial system are creating fresh opportunities for the development of the Indian stock market, initiating a phase of bullish trends that make a noteworthy contribution to India's GDP growth. Distinguished representatives from various investment banks delivered impact speeches, expressing:On the market front, in 2015, India issued its first batch of green bonds aimed at raising funds for renewable energy and energy-efficient projects. As of February 12, 2020, the total amount of green bonds issued by India reached $16.3 billion, making it the second-largest issuer of green bonds among emerging markets during the same period. In 2015, the Reserve Bank of India included loans for small-scale renewable energy projects and social infrastructure projects in its priority sector lending targets.On the international cooperation front, in 2021, the Reserve Bank of India announced its membership in the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), a global coalition of central banks and regulatory authorities. It aims to incorporate biodiversityrelated risk factors into the overall risk assessment of the financial system. India has seen 26 financial institutions sign the Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI), integrating environmental, social, and corporate governance factors into investment decision-making.

Finally, leveraging existing platforms and mechanisms, cooperation and investment are being pursued through multilateral channels. Currently, the cooperation platforms and mechanisms between India and the United States, including the strengthening BRICS mechanism, are growing. Multiple international investment banks are deepening their collaboration in the field of green finance during this summit. For instance, India's green finance classification standards can align with the Common Ground Taxonomy, a sustainable finance taxonomy completed under the leadership of Europe and the United States. Additionally, India and the United States can engage in financing cooperation for green projects in India through the New Development Bank, promoting new developments in green finance cooperation between the two countries.As one of the world's important financial centers, the significant statements made during the "Mumbai Summit" have had a broad impact on global financial markets. Only through continuous financial system reforms, integrating investments, platforms, and diversified investment portfolios among BRICS countries through multiple channels, can the influence be truly exerted and a greater role played in the global economic landscape. This also gives the content of this round table summit a landmark significance.